Send Us Your Questions: 7 Days, 7 Questions to Get Us 100 Blog Posts!

Send us your questions!

Here’s why:

Back at the start of 2020 – this most fascinating year! – we made the decision to ensure that we undertook a post to our blog each and every business workday. Little did we know that our commitment would find us keeping this commitment during some of the most difficult personal and business situations of all of our lifetimes.

But we stuck to our goal!

And we had a look today, and realized that we are at 93 posts – and almost to 100. We’re amazed by the support, interaction and sharing that we’ve seen on multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. We’re also thrilled to see more drone industry social media accounts follow and share us.

Not following us? Here’s where you can find us!

Spread the word! Share our love for all things drone!

And as we approach 100 posts, we want to turn the next 7 days over to you! With that in mind, send us your questions! Use the social media links above to submit something you’ve wondered about in the world of drone technology or drone business applications, and we’ll do our best to answer.

(Hint: this post will take us to 94 posts, so really only 6 to go, but we like the sounds of 7 in 7 days so we’ll run with that!)

Send us your questions!

You can also reach us here via email!

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