7 Days, 7 Questions – #2 : “How Do I Convince My Company to Take on a Drone Project?”

Sometimes the biggest question that we get asked is “How do I convince my company to take on a drone project?” One key is simply showing what can be done with a drone and its benefits.

Send Us Your Questions: 7 Days, 7 Questions to Get Us 100 Blog Posts!

Over the next 7 days we are going to answer your questions about the drone industry. If there is a question about the drone industry that you have, send it to us and we will do our best to answer it.

Drone Flyovers: An Essential Service?

Luckily in our line of work, the requirement for physical distancing is not normally an issue. Most of our work involves being in remote locations. Find out how we are assisting with essential services during these times of uncertainty.

Insight From Altitude – Check our Industry Overview Playlist!

Summing up our 10 industries in 10 days. We showcase the industry sectors we serve and how we can help with your projects.

Drones and You – Do You Really Know The Benefits To Your Industry? Maybe Not!

Rapid situational awareness. Faster setup. Cost efficiencies that are incredible compared to alternatives.

“Insight At Altitude” – How We Can Accelerate Your Business Operations!

The arrival of drone technology is changing the very nature of the insight that business organizations can have into their operations.

Sneak Video Peak – Drone Services at LI&D – More Than You Can Imagine!

At LI&D, we offer a wide variety of drone mapping, video and photography services to a lot of different industries – construction, aggregates and mining, golf courses and farms.

Drones & Utilities: Inspections, Safety, Risk Assessment and More

In the world of electrical, hydro and nuclear energy generation, water utilities and other organizations there is a widespread recognition that the insight gained from drone technology can play a vital role in several key areas.
