Drones, Industries and Opportunity: LI&D and A Dramatic New Future!

New horizons are around the corner, we are halfway through the first week of embarking on a new and substantive role within the drone industry. More information coming within the next few days.

Drones & Search and Rescue: Working Hard to Find What They Are Looking For

Drones and Search & Rescue, one of the best industry combinations out there. Drones are playing a powerful role in the SAR industry with their ability to go places humans can’t.

The Arrival of Real Time Insight At Altitude: When Cellular Data Meets Your Drone

The advancement of drones continues to happen at a fast pace. Eventually we will see fully grid connected drones allowing for instantaneous data retrieval using cellular technology.

Friday Flights #15! An Industry Dealing With Difficult Situations and Complex Challenges

Considering everything that has been going on for the last few weeks, we took a moment to consider how the drone industry has been dealing with some of the difficult situations and complex challenges that have presented themselves.

ROI and Drones – The Evolution of Insight & The Impact of Altitude

It’s simple, drone technology is allowing for us to do things that couldn’t be easily done before. Drones are powerful tools that can allow for projects to be completed faster and at lower costs.

7 Days, 7 Questions: #7 Why Don’t Drones Crash?

Experience and professionalism are key factors that come into play when operating drone technology. Both of these help to mitigate the risk of crashing a drone, as well as some of the onboard technology of a drone.

7 Days, 7 Questions – #6 : Why Your Company Instead of One of the Other Drone Companies Out There?

Providing unique insight that is geared towards your specific industry is what we strive for. Drones are a fast evolving technology that can help to provide the information needed for your projects.

Friday Fun Flights #14! Our Weekly Summary of the Weird, the Whacky, and the Wonderful Things with The Drones Up There!

2020, a global pandemic, global economic meltdown, murder hornets and now locusts. But don’t worry drones are here to help. People are finding new and innovative solutions using drone technology to solve some global problems.

7 Days, 7 Questions – #5 : What Do Your Services Cost?

What does a drone flight cost? We can’t give you a straight answer on that as every project that we do is different and has different factors that affect pricing. The best way to find out is to get in contact with us to discuss your project.

7 Days, 7 Questions – #4 : Where Did Your Company Name Come From? And What Does it Mean?

What’s in a name? Everything. The first thing we learn about a company is most often their name. Find out where Location Intelligence & Design came from to understand what it is that we do.
