Major Announcement: LI&D is Taking Flight into a New, Major Role in the Canadian Drone Industry!

I am excited to announce the new and major role within the Canadian Drone Industry that I have taken on. I have started as the UAV Division Manager to build and run this new division for IRC Building Sciences Group. With this new position I will be able to continue to help grow the Canadian Drone Industry for many years to come.

Drones & Search and Rescue: Working Hard to Find What They Are Looking For

Drones and Search & Rescue, one of the best industry combinations out there. Drones are playing a powerful role in the SAR industry with their ability to go places humans can’t.

Dubai Thanks its Frontline Workers: With a Spectacular Drone Show!

An amazing production put together in Dubai as a thank you to Frontline Heroes. Using a combination of forward thinking and drones, the message was brought across in a creative way.

Friday Fun Flights #16! Our Weekly Summary of the Weird, the Whacky, and the Wonderful Things with The Drones Up There!

From 64,000 sea turtles to a drone that mimics bats and dragon flies to guard indoor greenhouses, this week the weird, whacky and wonderful world of drones is quite unique.

The Arrival of Real Time Insight At Altitude: When Cellular Data Meets Your Drone

The advancement of drones continues to happen at a fast pace. Eventually we will see fully grid connected drones allowing for instantaneous data retrieval using cellular technology.

Accelerating Your Social Media Posts with Insight from Altitude!

Drones provide a unique view that not many people would normally be able to see allowing for the creation of compelling images or videos to use for your marketing purposes.

Looking Forward : In Just 10 Short Years….What Might The Drone Industry Look Like?

Drones have come a long way in 10 years. What do the next 10 years hold for the drone industry? The technology will continue to evolve at a rapid pace.

In Just 10 Short Years – This Industry Has Gone from Gaming Novelty to Productivity Platform!

In 10 short years, drones have gone from being just a toy, to being able to provide businesses with insight that was not previously available.

Friday Flights #15! An Industry Dealing With Difficult Situations and Complex Challenges

Considering everything that has been going on for the last few weeks, we took a moment to consider how the drone industry has been dealing with some of the difficult situations and complex challenges that have presented themselves.

ROI and Drones – The Evolution of Insight & The Impact of Altitude

It’s simple, drone technology is allowing for us to do things that couldn’t be easily done before. Drones are powerful tools that can allow for projects to be completed faster and at lower costs.
