A Mystery Wrapped Inside a Drone Need Not be an Enigma: Consider a Low-Risk Consultation and Test-Flight Analysis!

Every disruptive technology is an enigma to most people – until they take the time to discover the opportunity that lies within the mystery! Those that are new to the concept, opportunity and role of drone technology in any industry are holding themselves back from getting involved. At Location Intelligence & Design, we will help you to clarify the powerful role that drone technology can play in your industry.

Soaring Above: Providing Unique Insight Into Golf Course Turf Management – Our Talk to the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association Today!

Using drone technology for golf course maintenance does not make maintenance staff redundant, rather it is an extra tool to make their efforts more efficient and cost effective.

Friday Fun Flights #3! Our Weekly Summary of the Weird, the Whacky, and the Wonderful Things with The Drones Up There!

From saving a chameleon to a wedding proposal, this week has been full of some pretty weird, whacky and wonderful drone stories.

Up On the Roof! Faster Insight With Better Visibility – The Emerging Role of Drone Technology in the Home Inspection Industry

Have you thought about using a drone for roof inspections? Read our article “Insight from Altitude: Providing Unique Insight into Roof Inspections” to find out how a drone can help with inspections.

Fast Moving Drone Technology? At LI&D, We’re Busy Networking For New Knowledge So You Don’t Have To!

It is not always about just doing the job, but making sure to stay up to date on the latest news and techniques. We are apart of some large associations that do just that, help us stay up to date with the latest and greatest within the drone and GIS world.

You Wouldn’t Risk Your Brain Surgery to An Amateur, Would You? An Overview of Drone Licensing, Regulations and More!

It’s not always about just putting a drone into the air. With most flights there is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes into planning a drone operation. From identifying airspace to identifying areas of risk, professional drone pilots look at a wide range of areas before actually getting out and flying.

The Time for You To Explore Insight from Altitude? Right Now!

It’s almost spring time and that means in the next few weeks and months your opportunity to explore the potential for drone-based insight in your projects is happening right now.

Friday Fun Flights #2! Our Weekly Summary of the Weird, the Whacky, and the Wonderful Things with The Wings Up There!

It’s Friday, so we have another Friday Fun Flights feature. From ice cream to Lego, the world of drones is continuing to grow and evolve.

Visualizing Vintage! The Fast Emerging Opportunity for Aerial Analysis of Vineyards!

Becoming a estimated $865 million global industry by 2025, precision viticulture is full of endless possibilities. Incorporating a drone into the mix can help lend to valuable insight that can help lead to a better wine.

What Is ‘Location Intelligence?’ And Why ‘Design?’

Ever wonder where the name “Location Intelligence & Design comes from”? We break down how we came up with our name.
