Our Upcoming “Benefits” Series: 10 Industries – 10 Opportunities!

Over the next two weeks we will be taking a deeper dive into 10 industries and how drones can have opportunities and benefits within projects in these industries. Stay tuned for more updates.

Flight planning : An Overview of the Process Before We Fly!

Ever wonder how drone operators conduct some of their flights over different areas? It’s all about the pre-flight work and the autonomous flight planning that make these kind of flights possible.

The ROI From Drones and The Opportunity of Insight from Altitude: Better, Faster, Cost Effective!

With new technology there is always a learning curve for it to become common place. Drone technology is slowly starting to become more prevalent within many industries. Read some of our insight on how drone technology can help you in your industry.

A Mystery Wrapped Inside a Drone Need Not be an Enigma: Consider a Low-Risk Consultation and Test-Flight Analysis!

Every disruptive technology is an enigma to most people – until they take the time to discover the opportunity that lies within the mystery! Those that are new to the concept, opportunity and role of drone technology in any industry are holding themselves back from getting involved. At Location Intelligence & Design, we will help you to clarify the powerful role that drone technology can play in your industry.

Can You Dig It? Looking Back by Looking Down at What is Hidden in Plain Sight – The Exciting Role of Drones in Archeological Research!

Providing a view into what was once there, drones are allowing for archaeologists to discover previously unseen ruins or artifacts.

Accelerating The Environmental Mission: Better Conservation Insight and Management Through Drone Technology!

Through conservation practices, companies and NGO’s are utilizing technology to assist in their efforts to preserve the environment for future generations. Some have started using technology like drones to help with these efforts.

That’s One Big Picture – But One With a Lot of Insight! Understanding the Magic that Comes from Drones, Photography and GPS Insight

In some ways, the arrival of drone technology is a lot like the early days of the emergence of e-mail: people know that it is out there, but aren’t quite sure what they can do with it. Years later, it has become indispensible to every single aspect of their business operations.

Drone, GIS & Mapping Insight – Professional Skills Matter : We’re Insured, Certified, Experienced!

Like any industry, the drone industry is seeing fast emergence in new participants. Keeping up with the changes keeps us on top.

Here’s a Word: Homologation. And We Can Help You with That Too!

We at LI&D can utilize our drone and mapping technology to help you with your homologation requirements.

The Future of Drones in Agriculture – Unlimited Only By Your Imagination!

According to some estimates, the agricultural drone industry will be worth more than $1 billion by 2024.
