Turf & Rec Publishes Our Article: “Drones & Turf: Monitoring Health of Green Spaces”

“Drones & Turf: Monitoring Health of Green Spaces.” We have been featured in the Turf and Rec publication, which serves the Canadian turf and grounds maintenance industry.

Friday Fun Flights #10! Our Weekly Summary of the Weird, the Whacky, and the Wonderful Things with The Drones Up There!

From using drones to help pollenate date palms in the Jordan Valley to saluting our frontline workers with drones, this has been an interesting week in the world of drone technology.

Our Great Hits – So Far! The Top 10 Blog Posts And What You’ve Learned!

It’s been 4 months of blogging everyday. Find out what we have learned so far and what our greatest hits have been.

The Plateau of Productivity: Why The Opportunity for Insight from Altitude Is Here NOW!

Like any new technology, drone tech has gone through the hype, the hysteria, the disappointment, and then the inevitable realization as to the role that insight from altitude can play in so many industries. Find out how this inevitable cycle has shaped how we use drones today.

“Wow, I Didn’t Know I Could Do That!” – Discovering the Potential for Drone-Based Insight With the Software Platforms You Already Have in Place!

There are many who don’t realize how beneficial a drone can be when incorporated into their projects. There is the ability to incorporate drone data into many leading platforms, such as those used for project management.

Simple Insight : Powerful Impact! Revisiting the Issue of Golf Course Marketing

As we get into spring and summer, the golf season would normally begin to start, this year it will be a little different. So in the mean time why not choose to show your golfers what some of your course looks like.

Friday Fun Flights #9! Our Weekly Summary of the Weird, the Whacky, and the Wonderful Things with The Drones Up There!

From medial drone deliveries to being caught sunbathing on an Italian beach. We sum up the weird, whacky and wonderful things in the world of drones from this week.

Followup: Physical Distancing and the Benefit of Drone Technology

The new roles that drones are playing within companies during these exceptional times are showing themselves every day.

Can We Go There? The Role Interactive Digital Maps Will Play As We Slowly Emerge from the Lockdown!

Digital maps are quickly becoming the way to get information quickly to the public. During these time of COVID-19, they can quickly show what’s open, what’s closed and what it is that people can do.

Drone Flyovers: An Essential Service?

Luckily in our line of work, the requirement for physical distancing is not normally an issue. Most of our work involves being in remote locations. Find out how we are assisting with essential services during these times of uncertainty.
