7 Days, 7 Questions – #1 : “Can a Drone Assist with Audit And Accounting Activities?”

What do drones, accounting and auditing activities have in common? A lot more than you might think. Drones are allowing for rapid and accurate assessments of assets within many industries.

Insight From Altitude – Check our Industry Overview Playlist!

Summing up our 10 industries in 10 days. We showcase the industry sectors we serve and how we can help with your projects.

Insurance and Risk Assessment from Altitude : 10 Industries in 10 Days – What You See, What We See!

When disaster strikes, there is always the “after” to think of. A lot of times this “after” gets delayed because of the inability to have useful insight. Drones are helping to change the after disaster response by providing a view that wasn’t possible before.

Why Do You Need a Drone Partner? Um, Would You Build Your Own Airforce?

Based on a conversation with friends or business peers, you might be tempted to go out and buy a few drones, train a few people and get up and running with your own drone air force!

Let us explain why this might simply be a bad idea.

Drone, GIS & Mapping Insight – Professional Skills Matter : We’re Insured, Certified, Experienced!

Like any industry, the drone industry is seeing fast emergence in new participants. Keeping up with the changes keeps us on top.

Drones and You – Do You Really Know The Benefits To Your Industry? Maybe Not!

Rapid situational awareness. Faster setup. Cost efficiencies that are incredible compared to alternatives.

“Insight At Altitude” – How We Can Accelerate Your Business Operations!

The arrival of drone technology is changing the very nature of the insight that business organizations can have into their operations.

Sneak Video Peak – Drone Services at LI&D – More Than You Can Imagine!

At LI&D, we offer a wide variety of drone mapping, video and photography services to a lot of different industries – construction, aggregates and mining, golf courses and farms.
