Our Upcoming “Benefits” Series: 10 Industries – 10 Opportunities!

Over the next two weeks we will be taking a deeper dive into 10 industries and how drones can have opportunities and benefits within projects in these industries. Stay tuned for more updates.

Flight planning : An Overview of the Process Before We Fly!

Ever wonder how drone operators conduct some of their flights over different areas? It’s all about the pre-flight work and the autonomous flight planning that make these kind of flights possible.

Accelerating Your Golf Course Marketing: Reaching the Target Through Drone Based Video Flyovers!

The magic that comes from a promotional video of a golf course or hole fly through videos can help make your club stand out and show what you have to offer to golfers.

A Mystery Wrapped Inside a Drone Need Not be an Enigma: Consider a Low-Risk Consultation and Test-Flight Analysis!

Every disruptive technology is an enigma to most people – until they take the time to discover the opportunity that lies within the mystery! Those that are new to the concept, opportunity and role of drone technology in any industry are holding themselves back from getting involved. At Location Intelligence & Design, we will help you to clarify the powerful role that drone technology can play in your industry.

Soaring Above: Providing Unique Insight Into Golf Course Turf Management – Our Talk to the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association Today!

Using drone technology for golf course maintenance does not make maintenance staff redundant, rather it is an extra tool to make their efforts more efficient and cost effective.

Water Water Everywhere! And, Not a Drop to Grow? The Use of Irrigation Monitoring in Agriculture, Golf and More!

We have always been taught to conserve water. For industries that require an irrigation system, when issues such as leaky pipes or bad spraying patterns arise, these issues can be costly. Being able to use the insight from a drone can help to make irrigation systems more efficient and effective.

Golf Insight From Above – Willie Carroll, C.E.T. to Speak at the Upcoming Canadian Golf Course Superintenddants Assocaiton annual conference!

Have you been hearing about new methods of analysis for your golf course using sophisticated mapping tools and want to learn more about it? With advanced drone mapping technology, you now have the chance for extremely complex analysis at a very low cost.

You Might See Winter! We See Opportunities in the Golf Industry with Aerial, Drone Based Insight!

Golf course superintendents live and breath green grass. Why not add an extra tool to help assist with assessing turf health issues.

Drones and You – Do You Really Know The Benefits To Your Industry? Maybe Not!

Rapid situational awareness. Faster setup. Cost efficiencies that are incredible compared to alternatives.

“Insight At Altitude” – How We Can Accelerate Your Business Operations!

The arrival of drone technology is changing the very nature of the insight that business organizations can have into their operations.
