Drones, Industries and Opportunity: LI&D and A Dramatic New Future!

New horizons are around the corner, we are halfway through the first week of embarking on a new and substantive role within the drone industry. More information coming within the next few days.

The Arrival of Real Time Insight At Altitude: When Cellular Data Meets Your Drone

The advancement of drones continues to happen at a fast pace. Eventually we will see fully grid connected drones allowing for instantaneous data retrieval using cellular technology.

ROI and Drones – The Evolution of Insight & The Impact of Altitude

It’s simple, drone technology is allowing for us to do things that couldn’t be easily done before. Drones are powerful tools that can allow for projects to be completed faster and at lower costs.

7 Days, 7 Questions – #4 : Where Did Your Company Name Come From? And What Does it Mean?

What’s in a name? Everything. The first thing we learn about a company is most often their name. Find out where Location Intelligence & Design came from to understand what it is that we do.

7 Days, 7 Questions – #3 : “Can’t We Just Do a Lot of This Ourselves?”

“Can’t we just do a lot of this ourselves?” This is a common question we come across a lot and the benefits of hiring a drone professional can still outweigh the choice of doing it yourself.

7 Days, 7 Questions – #2 : “How Do I Convince My Company to Take on a Drone Project?”

Sometimes the biggest question that we get asked is “How do I convince my company to take on a drone project?” One key is simply showing what can be done with a drone and its benefits.

7 Days, 7 Questions – #1 : “Can a Drone Assist with Audit And Accounting Activities?”

What do drones, accounting and auditing activities have in common? A lot more than you might think. Drones are allowing for rapid and accurate assessments of assets within many industries.

Send Us Your Questions: 7 Days, 7 Questions to Get Us 100 Blog Posts!

Over the next 7 days we are going to answer your questions about the drone industry. If there is a question about the drone industry that you have, send it to us and we will do our best to answer it.

Article for the CGSA: “Soaring Above: Providing Unique Insight Into Turf Management”

We are excited to announce another one of our articles has been published. This time in GreenMaster, the official publication of the Canadian Golf Course Superintendents Association.

Drones And Robots, Are They The Same?

Within the construction industry, robots will be changing how construction companies work on projects. Drones are part of this robotic change. Find out how drones will make an impact.
